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Amsterdam, 2017

"Hestia" Acrylic on linen canvas 120x135 cm.

Earlier this year I painted this commission painting, in homage to the Ancient Greek goddess Hestia. She is a virgin goddess of the hearth, architecture, and the right ordering of domesticity, the family, the home and the state.

Hestia received the first offering at every sacrifice in the household. In the public domain, the hearth of the prytaneum functioned as her official sanctuary. With the establishment of a new colony, flame from Hestia's public hearth in the mother city would be carried to the new settlement. Her Roman equivalent is Vesta.

Always I've been really fascinated for the Ancient Mythology from different cultures and i think some the stories told on myths and legends are totally connected with the life nowadays, this fact has influenced my work and has given it some form and meaning.

So always i am really happy to do this kind of commission works.
