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Amsterdam, 2017

Mural part of a series of walls i am working on,  inspired by the meditations of the Seven cosmic currents of energy.

According to the Tibetan esoteric master Djwhal Khul, he calls them the seven channels through which all that exits flows and says that in reality there is nothing in the solar system, whatever its degree of evolution, that neither belongs nor belongs to one of the seven rays.

In each person, the "I am" Presence belongs to a ray, the Solar Angel to another, and the personality to another.

According to the evolutionary state in which one finds and manifests , some of the virtues of the ray, and the same happens with vices of the same ray.

To make it easier we will say that each ray has special virtues, vices and virtues to be acquired and that depends on the evolutionary state of each, what manifest; As everything is always in the spiral of the evolution of the vices will be exchanging in virtues.

Click here to know more about the seven rays/flames

This wall depict the Violet  ray:

Purification, Transmutation, Liberation, Forgiveness, Mercy ... This is indeed a Special Energy. It is the Energy of the New Age, able to free you from any condition that does not make you happy quickly. It is a transmuting Energy, which changes, replaces everything negative into positive, which helps you to forgive (when you go through the heart), which ends negative conflicts, fights, or karmas (destinies). Because the Violet Energy acts especially in the enteric body or body of memories, where are recorded the unhappy experiences that happened to us through every life we had. There is the cause of all sorrow today, asking the Violet Flame to redeem that cause and free us from the effects, we will be transforming our life to a better quality of expression quickly.

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