A DREAM, THE KEY TO SOMETHING DEEPER, mural for Straat museum. Amsterdam. 2020


Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2020

Mural for STRAAT museum. 5x4 m.

  • Painting inspired by a nightmare, I used to had repeatedly during some years on my childhood, and pushed me to paint and create.

    In the unsettling realm of this Nightmare, I found myself wandering aimlessly in a vast desert landscape, haunted by the enigmatic presence of a woman embodying the radiant charm of 1920s aesthetics, shielded by a sun umbrella. Her elusive nature shrouded her face in mystery, compelling me to seek out her face. As I approached her, a peculiar sight vied for my attention - a gaping hole in the sandy expanse, cast in the ominous shadow of an enormous hand emerging from the ground. I couldn't resist the fascination it held over me, drawing me to explore its eerie depths. However, as I ventured closer, the treacherous ground gave way beneath me, and I plummeted into the abyss, meeting a grim fate. This perplexing dream leaves an indelible impression, evoking a sense of foreboding and ineffable curiosity.

    Years later, I realized that the barren expanse of desert and the hand were not just figments of imagination, but tangible manifestations in the real world, it is the Atacama desert in Chile and the enigmatic hand sculpture by Mario Irarrázabal. This place is also a magical stars observatory.

    Perhaps my nightmare was a glimpse into something deeper, a subconscious exploration of his inner universe in search of a key to another way. In the ethereal realm of dreams, our minds often embark on profound journeys, delving into the hidden recesses of our thoughts and emotions. This dream may have served as a window into an uncharted path, offering insights and revelations that could unlock new possibilities and perspectives. it moved me to paint and create, encouraging introspection and introspective exploration.