Rates and transit times
Transit time depends on your location. Orders are usually dispatched between 2-7 days of receiving your order. Delivery time in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany is 2-3 business days. European orders will be delivered within 3-7 business days. For all other countries transit times differ from 3-15 business days.
Please, allow for extra days on internationally traveling packages. The packages are sent out promptly with utmost care; however the delays that occur in hands of foreign postal services are unfortunately out of our control.
Shipping is calculated based on the size of the item, your location and on our shipping service providers.
All our shipments are traceable.
You will receive a shipping confirmation with a link to the track & trace of the shipment of your order.
Shipping costs will be added at checkout after you have provided your address details.
International buyers please also note that customs may be charged on international (non-European) purchases. the amount a customs authority may charge is dependent on the destination country and local laws. any fees, taxes or duties are the responsibility of the receiver and the receiver only. Skount Art is not responsible for any actions taken by customs on your package during delivery. Skount Art has no control over this.
Prints and paintings are shipped in either a reinforced tube or crumble and damage proof packaging to ensure safe delivery. All materials are fully sustainable. International buyers please note that canvas artworks shipped outside of Europe will be removed from their frame and shipped rolled. Canvas Artworks will require professional framing once at their destination.
All sales are final and no refund will be issued. However, if something is damaged in transit, please let us know and we will do our best to make it right.
Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately, if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong item, so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right. We have a 7-day damage notification policy, which means you have 7 days after receiving your item to notify a damage on your item.
You can always contact us for any issue at SHOP CONTACT